anime agony pet Pet Sim X

Regular Value

💎 5,000,000,000 (5B)

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Anime Agony Golden Pet Sim X

Golden Value

💎 15,000,000,000 (15B)

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anime agony rainbow Pet Sim X

Rainbow Value

💎 431,000,000,000 (431B)

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What is Anime Agony worth?

The value of an Anime Agony in Pet Simulator X can vary depending on supply and demand within the game’s economy. The average value of an Anime Agony as of today is around 5B diamonds (the in-game currency for Pet Simulator X). However, the value may change at any time due to market fluctuations, updates to the game, and other factors.

It’s also worth noting that the value of a pet can be influenced by factors such as its rarity, stats, appearance, and abilities. So, while Anime Agony is a desirable pet, its value will depend on how much other players are willing to pay for it. If you’re interested in trading or selling an Anime Agony, it’s a good idea to research current market trends and talk to other players to get a sense of its current value.

  • Egg hatch: 13% chance
  • Egg type: Exclusive Anime Egg
  • Trading value: 4.7B gems

How to get Anime Agony in Pet Simulator X

In Pet Simulator X, Anime Agony is a mythical pet that can only be obtained by hatching a Mythical Egg. Here’s how you can increase your chances of getting Anime Agony:

  • Save up gems: Mythical Eggs cost 1,800 gems each, so you’ll need to save up a significant amount to purchase one.
  • Use boosters: There are several boosters in Pet Simulator X that can increase your chances of getting a mythical pet. These include the Lucky Gamepass, the Lucky Chest, and the Mythical Potion.
  • Keep hatching eggs: The more eggs you hatch, the higher your chances of getting a mythical pet. Keep hatching eggs, and eventually, you’ll get one.
  • Trade with other players: If you’re having trouble getting Anime Agony, you can try trading with other players. Offer them a pet or gems in exchange for Anime Agony, or see if they’re willing to trade for another mythical pet that you have.

Remember that getting a mythical pet in Pet Simulator X is a matter of luck, so don’t get discouraged if it takes you a while to get Anime Agony. Keep playing, and you’ll eventually get the pet you’re looking for.